Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger

Lennon is 11 days old today. So far he’s been an easy, good baby…I am so blessed for this. I was scared as to how the girls would react to the change – how I was going to attempt to juggle two needy toddlers and one teeny baby but we are here, and we are doing it. I’m tired yes but…the hubby and I could always use more sleep but we are not insanely exhausted like I was scared we would be. We have managed to rotate a few hours in the evenings which had made us both keep up with our sleep pretty well. We even got out on Halloween, two days after Lennon was born, to take the girls trick or treating. 🙂

Lennon Richard was born on October 29th, 2015 at 1:16 PM. He was 8lbs 11oz – he was our biggest baby yet! Scarlett was 6lbs and June was 7lbs. Our last ultrasound weighed him in at 6, so we weren’t sure just how big he was going to be, although at each ultrasound they did mention several times that his legs and tummy were in the upper percentile.

Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger


Birth Story

This is our third baby, but honestly the nerves during pregnancy and about childbirth were just about the same as when I was pregnant with our Scarlett. Rewind to a little over 3 years ago when we struggled with fertility…we thought we were never going to have kids – after having three losses in a row before she was born, we were losing hope. I don’t think that fear from suffering so many losses ever really goes away. Because of my past, my doctor scheduled induction at 39 weeks for each pregnancy. And although I would have preferred to have them naturally I knew that, because of our history, it was probably better to get baby out as early as we could. So 39 weeks it was…the date was scheduled and we were admitted to the hospital at 6AM!

Being induced has it’s good and bad just like anything….obviously I love the fact that it’s scheduled, there’s no waiting around, there’s no water breaking suddenly when you’re out getting dinner or rushing to the hospital in labor. I was so scared of going into labor early with him. I was dilated 2-3 cm for a few weeks and we were thinking I might have him early. But nope! Once I got to the hospital I was dilated about 4cm. Obviously the bad is that you’re put into labor before your body might actually be ready. They started the Oxytocin drip probably around 9:30 AM, by that time I was already contracting by myself – nothing regular, but the Oxytocin definitely sped up the contractions and at one point they had to decrease it!

I had my diffuser with our oils going in the labor room and the wonderful hubby even gave me a foot massage 😀 We had all the nurses coming in to smell the air and to talk about the name we chose along with the baby shower theme we had. 🙂 Apparently a lot of the nurses were Beatles fans and they talked.

The doctor came in right after they started the Oxytocin drip and she broke my water. With my second the doctor did not break my water until I had my epidural, so needless to say that I was freaking out that I was going to go into labor right then and there and have the baby without any epidural! You know, like they show in the movies!! Luckily, that didn’t happen, and the doc apparently knew this wouldn’t happen…she broke my water and then calmly said – I’ll be back around lunchtime. Well the doc was on point! I was ready to start pushing about 12:30PM.

Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger


And finally he was here! Scarlett’s first reaction was priceless!



June, she thought he was cute…but she was more interested in drawing, coloring and eating snacks in the hospital room. 🙂 Scarlett though, has been inseparable from her little brother since he was born. She says she misses him, and she loves him and thinks that he’s so cute. They are adorable together. We let her hold him often and he sleeps in her arms. We are all so in love with our new little guy.

Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger


11 days in now…he’s a good little nurser and sleeps soundly despite all the noise in our home… 🙂  And we finally feel like our little family is finally complete – our story of five. <3

Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger
Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger
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Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger


Baby Lennon's Birth Story Latina Mom Blogger




Welcome my littlest love! We are all so excited that you’re finally here!


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