Blogsloglovin, where have you been all my life?

loglovin, where have you been all my life?

I have been reading blogs for many years now but it wasn’t until I started blogging myself that I came to understand what bloglovin actually was!  I had always noticed some of my favorite blogs with links to this site, and wondered what it was but never actually tried it out.  I must be honest, I am always skeptical of sites that require you to have a login just to read their content, but I just recently tried it out and I have to say – this site is amazing!

It compiles all my favorite blogs into a newsfeed of sorts, and I get to read all posts in order, by date/time etc.  I can now keep up to date with all my favorite blogs in one place, rather than having to jump from site to site to get my daily news.  If you are a blogger and do not use bloglovin, I really think you’re missing out on getting your blogs read.   And if you are a blog reader, it definitely makes your blog reading experience much more enjoyable.

I recently added my own blog, so follow me on bloglovin and try it out!


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